World Environment Day 2020


Now, More Than Over, we are confronted with the fragility of life and our connection to nature and our planet. Nature is showing us that the biodiversity is on the brink of a breakdown. At least 1 million plants and animal species are likely to disappear soon. We are on the verge of a mass extinction; unlike anything humankind has ever seen the food we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink and therefore the climate that creates our planet habitable. All comes from nature, yet, these are exceptional times in which nature is sending us a message

Care For Ourselves. We Must Care For Nature.

It’s Time To Wake Up This World Environment Day To Raise Our Voices; Tell The World Why It’s Time For Nature.

It’s time to show our leaders why nature matters. Together or apart we will unite to make our voices heard. We won’t back down until we see real and lasting change to save our beautiful planet we call our home and emotionally reconnect ourselves with Nature. Tell everyone we need the planet more than the planet needs us your planet.

It’s Time For Nature. Save Nature. Save Wildlife. Save Our Biodiversity

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