Make Your Planet Free From Single-Use Plastic: Project Green Environment Parindey

- Jhola Abhiyaan -

Petroleum based plastic is non-biodegradable and mostly goes to landfills in the process of molecular breaking down of plastic that produces toxic chemicals, latest research shows these chemical can be seen in our blood and leading to cancers, birth defects, infertility and many more. Apart from direct health hazard, plastic bags are chocking our city drainage system causing major floods in the cities.

Who We Are!

We are a non-profit team of handful people who gathered to take small steps for achieving big results in the concern of Green Environment. We are the group of educationist, doctors, environmentalist, fashion designer, house wives, students, or can be anybody who is responsible resident of this planet.

Who we are not!
We are not industrialist, opportunist or business people;

Our First Step

As our first step we have designed a grocery/vegetable bag that would cater your all vegetable carrying needs and would save almost 5 plastic bags per of your market visit. In a month it would cut down approximately 45 to 50 plastics bags per family per month to go into environment. Is that not fantastic! These bags are high quality thick clothed, washable, reusable, stitched by below poverty line females. It is designed for long duration, a true friend for environmental conscious people! That’s why we have named this product as “Smart Vegan Bag”.
And we are coming with many more innovative ideas and aggressive (because that’s a requirement now) projects to save our planet.

What We Want From You!

We want you to use these grocery bags and promote these as much as you can; we have named the volunteers who would use it and promote it as “Green Environment Parindey”.We want you to become Planet Savers, your small effort can save this planet to suffocate from plastics. Though there are no financial benefits involve in this project though you would get emoluments in the form of self-achievements, true social-environment leadership, a partner in biggest-ever social cause, and clean toxic free air and water for your children. So by using this bag you are endorsing yourself to take pledge against single use plastic.

We Want You To Become Us

Our purpose is awareness campaign , we strongly oppose the plastic polythene .we concentrating totally on one menace of the society . Selling is our secondary way of combating it as non profit for initial 5000 pieces .
We reinforce the habit of carrying your bag wherever you …realization of how big difference we can make with such a small habbit .so we say :

But make sure you do !!

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